Meaning of Twahara in the Common Language: It is pure and removes impurities or emotional waste (touch) like urine or otherwise, and as subtle as defects (defects) and defects.
The patience of the Prophet Ayyub [a.s]  The history of the Ayyuw (at the time) provides comfort to all those who are ill or deprived of property or children.
Sleep Habits.  Say the word of Allaah: "BismiLlaahir Rahmaanir Rahiym" and cry your right side according to the words of the Prophet
Morals of Marriage Act.  It is recommended, before interacting with his wife or husband to name Allaah.
Eating habits.,Start eating in the name of Allaah (BismiLlaahir Rahmaanir Rahiym) and finish by praising and thanking Allaah (Al-Hamdul Lillaahi Rabbil-‘Aalamiyn)