If a woman is forced to work, is she not obliged to pay the sacrifice, but only to pay that day?
If a woman is forced to work, is she not obliged to pay the sacrifice, but only to pay that day?
Muhanna said: "I asked Ahmad if the raped woman had to pay that day. He said:" Yes. "I also asked him if he had to pay the sacrifice, he said:" No! "
This view agrees with al-Hasan, Ath-Thawriy, Al-Awza'iy and Hanafiyyah.
According to this question, it also applies to a woman who is interrupted while sleeping.
Maalik said of the sleeping woman: "It is his duty to pay that day, but he will not pay the sacrifice. Or in relation to a woman who has been forced to abstain, she has to pay that day and sacrifice."
Ash-Shaafi'iy, Abuu Ath-Thawriy and Ibnul-Mundhir say if he is threatened with intimidation, then they have the same opinion as us.
[Al-Mughniy (4/376) Daar 'Alaam-il-kutub, 1419/1999]